Driving SMB growth through Cloud Adoption

  • 55
    min video
  • Vinod Jeyachandran
    CTO @ Anunta Tech
    Ashish Bambroo
    Senior Vice-President & GM @ Anunta Tech

The global pandemic has changed our lives and the way we work. As we enter 2021, businesses have to reimagine their digital workplace strategy and adopt the right technology that is sustainable, scalable and seamless for communication and collaboration.

Desktop-as-a-Service has emerged as a key technology that addresses the challenges of remote working while providing a secure work environment to the users at anytime, anywhere and on any device.

Join Anunta Tech experts as they delve deeper into the changing needs of the workplace and share perspectives on how choosing the right technology is key to successful business growth in the year 2021.

You will learn
  • Tips for small to midsize businesses for the benefits of cloud adoption through security, accessibility, scalability, employee productivity, and built infrastructure
  • Long term advantages of desktop virtualization for business continuity and growth
  • Why the future of your business growth story is built through adopting cloud desktops
  • How Anunta’s DesktopReady can help deliver enhanced business productivity and user experience in 2021
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