Workspace Transformation for Serving Evolving Financial Services Needs

  • 11
    min video
  • Ryan Miller
    Account Executive @ Anunta Tech

Disruptions in the financial services industry have shifted business priorities, impacted the ability to meet evolving customer expectations, and transformed the workplace. Financial services providers require tools and technology that can help with these new challenges. Desktop as a Service (DaaS) is an effective tool that helps address these changing needs while providing a solution that is fully managed, scalable, and secure.

During our webinar, experts at DesktopReady will use four company profiles to detail the use cases of modern Desktop as a Services, and how commonly relevant financial service challenges are addressed. Beyond these challenges and use cases, experts will also discuss how DaaS can help optimize your business through a platform that is scalable and fully managed.

You will learn
  • How DaaS helps increase availability
  • Provides security and compliance
  • Ensures scalability and agility
  • Optimizes costs
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Enjoy the webinar