Virtual Desktops Set Up In-Office, Remote, and Hybrid Workforces For Success
The world of work is changing. The COVID-19pandemic accelerated an existing trend towards remote and hybrid work,supported by modern technology.
Until, of course, it isn't. Thetechnology needed to support remote work has also had to accelerate. Manycompanies have had to change their software and hardware practices to support atransition they were not entirely prepared for.
Virtual desktops are one of the newertechnologies that can be used to support a distributed workforce and help themdo their best work. So, how can virtual desktops help for all of these workmodels?
Virtual Desktops forIn-Office Work
It might seem that virtual desktops arenot helpful when everyone is still sitting at a desk or in their cubicle.However, virtual desktops increase security and reduce the power neededlocally, allowing you to spend less on new hardware. You can purchase lowerpowered laptops and extend your hardware replacement cycle, due to the factthat the virtual desktop is taking much of the computing power away from thelocal system and putting it in the cloud.
Additionally, the ability to uselightweight thin clients allows people to attend meetings with just a tablet orlightweight netbook, without having to carry a full weight laptop around. Italso allows anyone to use any desk, which can be helpful when setting uppresentations. Instead of moving your computer to the conference room, you canjust log in using the device that's already there.
Virtual Desktops for RemoteWork
If your workforce is entirely remote,then virtual desktops are even more useful. Your employees can seamlessly workfrom anywhere they might choose, whether it's home, a hotel, their parents'home...or even the beach. They can use lightweight thin clients, which arecheaper, and can also use their own devices with fewer security risks. Becauseno data is stored on the device, a personal computer or phone can be safelyused to access the virtual desktop.
Meanwhile, they can still use all of thesame apps...and new collaboration apps they need to stay connected. They canalso easily access network assets elsewhere. Imagine setting things up so thatan employee can queue a print job to a printer in the home of a coworker. Asvirtual desktops make everything seem to be "in the same place," itmakes things like that much more possible.
Virtual Desktops for HybridWork
Where virtual networks truly shine,however, is the hybrid office. One of the challenges of the hybrid office isthat people are using systems on site that are set up and managed by IT, thengoing home and using their less secure home networks or, worse, their owndevices. This creates obvious security issues. One solution is to have youremployees take a laptop home with them, but that can cause its own problems,including the laptop being forgotten in one location or the other.
Virtual desktops allow your employees tohave the same exact user interface and level of security on any device they use. No more lugginglaptops back and forth (unless they prefer to), no more not having all of theirapps at home. Furthermore, they remove barriers between employees who are inthe office and those working remotely. They help prevent de factodiscrimination against remote workers by giving them the same customized accessto the applications and data they need.
They can work anywhere with a reliableinternet connection.
Virtual desktops, especiallydesktop-as-a-service (Daas), are perfect for allowing your employees to workeffectively both in the office and anywhere else they might need to work. Tofind out more about how DaaS can help you solve your distributed workforceissues, contactDesktopReady today.